
NVIDIA - The Matrix: Resurrections


NVIDIA 與華納兄弟跨界合作,找來 3 組改裝好手,推出《駭客任務:復活》(The Matrix Resurrections)電影主題改裝 PC,並在社群媒體上取辦抽獎,幸運得主將能抱回這些酷炫的主機。


NVIDIA - The Matrix: Resurrections
The Breacher (GeForce RTX 3090)
NVIDIA - The Matrix: Resurrections
NZXT Nebuchadnezzar (GeForce RTX 3080 Ti)
NVIDIA - The Matrix: Resurrections
Digital Storm Backup Operator (GeForce RTX 3080 Ti)

這 3 台主機採用頂級的 GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3090 顯示卡,把《駭客任務》電影裡的視覺元素融入到機身設計之中。


NVIDIA GeForce with The Matrix: Resurrections

NVIDIA GeForce with The Matrix: Resurrections

NVIDIA GeForce with The Matrix: Resurrections

NVIDIA GeForce with The Matrix: Resurrections

NVIDIA GeForce with The Matrix: Resurrections

NVIDIA GeForce with The Matrix: Resurrections

NVIDIA GeForce with The Matrix: Resurrections

沒抽到主機也沒關係,NVIDIA 還準備了《駭客任務:復活》裝飾背板,適用於 GeForce RTX 3080 / RTX 3080 Ti 創始版顯卡。














Source NVIDIA聯名《駭客任務:復活》,改裝PC大方送 https://www.4gamers.com.tw/news/detail/51302/nvidia-matrix-resurrections-geforce-rtx-pc-giveway……