


以《直到黎明》(Until Dawn)、《小小夢魘》(Little Nightmare)以及《黑相集》(The Dark Pictures Anthology)等作品與系列聞名的遊戲開發商 Supermassive Games,近日驚傳裁員大量裁員。現已透過官方聲明說明此事。




經過深思熟慮並深表遺憾,因此,我們將重組 Supermassive Games。基於此,我們將進入協商階段,預計將導致失去一些夥伴。






It’s no secret that the games industry is currently facing significant challenges, and unfortunately we aren’t immune to this.


After much deliberation and with deep regret, we are therefore undertaking a reorganisation of Supermassive Games. As a result, we are entering into a period of consultation, which we anticipate will result in the loss of some of our colleagues.

This is not a decision that’s been taken lightly, with many efforts made to avoid this outcome.


We are all too aware of how unsettling and difficult this process is going to be for all out employees and will be working closely with all those involved to ensure the process is conducted as respectfully and compassionately as possible.


W’re committed of focusing our efforts on our core strengths and upcoming titles to ensure the continued sustainability of the company.


外電媒體 Bloomberg 近日披露 Supermassive Games 預計在現有 150 名員工裡面,大砍 90 名,引發各界關心。該工作室目前正在開發驚悚冒險續作《小小夢魘 3》。






Source 《小小夢靨3》開發商驚爆裁員砍半,發聲明認:面臨重組 https://www.4gamers.com.tw/news/detail/63016/supermassive-games-statement-about-the-rumor-of-laying-off-30-percent-employees……