株式會社REJECT宣布,職業電競隊伍「REJECT」的「快打旋風」部門將迎來職業選手Big Bird和AngryBird(The Birds)的加入。
「REJECT」 「快打旋風」部門迎來雙鳥兄弟!

職業電競隊伍「REJECT」的「快打旋風」部門宣布,「雙鳥兄弟 (The Birds)」的Big Bird選手(@Bigbird_fgc)和AngryBird選手(@FGC_Angrybird)正式加入。
Big Bird選手介紹
Big Bird選手自2012年左右開始參與競技賽事,並在2016年的Red Bull Kumite 2016中獲得第5名,從此被眾多粉絲所熟知。
此後,他在多項國際賽事中屢獲佳績,2024年更在EVO中獲得亞軍,並參加了Esports World Cup,與AngryBird選手一同在SFL EU中奪冠,持續累積輝煌戰績。
與Big Bird選手一樣,AngryBird選手自2010年代後期至今,一直在國際賽事中保持頂尖成績。
他在2023年EVO中奪冠,並與Big Bird一同被紀錄片拍攝,成為全球矚目的選手。
他在EVO Japan 2024中獲得第2名,並成功晉級Esports World Cup第二輪,在SFL EU中以10勝0敗的驚人戰績帶領隊伍奪冠,持續展現出色表現。
Big Bird選手
"Joining REJECT feels special to me, not only because it’s a powerhouse organization in Japan, but also because I’m excited to see UAE and Japan work together to further make REJECT a global powerhouse in the esports world. I’m looking forward to representing REJECT in Capcom Cup and I’ll do my best to perform in the big stages and make all the fans happy. Big shoutout to MJ and Sultan (REJECT AD) for putting their trust in us and we won’t let them along with REJECT and the fans down!"
我期待在Capcom Cup中代表REJECT出戰。
非常感謝MJ和Sultan(REJECT AD)對我的信任。
"It has been a dream for me to be sponsored by a Japanese organization let alone the amazing “Team REJECT” because Japan is known to be the biggest and best region for street fighter and in Esports in General also a big shoutouts for MJ and Sultan san (REJECT AD) for their amazing support!
I can’t wait to play under team REJECT especially in Japan for the first Capcom Cup being there, much love to all the fans! I love you all ! We will do our best to represent at the best of our abilities."
此外,也特表謝意MJ先生和Sultan先生(REJECT AD)對我的極力幫助!
非常期待在日本的第一次Capcom Cup中,作為Team REJECT一員出場。
Today is a proud moment—not just for REJECT, but for all of us who have been part of this journey.
What started as a passion for gaming has grown into something much bigger: a global esports movement.
From Japan to the world, REJECT is making its mark, and I couldn’t be prouder that Abu Dhabi is the first key base in this expansion.For me, this isn’t just about business—it’s personal.
I’ve known The Birds—~AngryBird and Big Bird—since they were kids. They used to come over to my family home, playing games with my little brother, completely immersed in the world they loved. Watching them grow into two of the greatest esports players in the world has been incredible.But they’re more than just champions. They are Abu Dhabi’s greatest export to the esports world—true professionals who carry our region’s pride with them every time they step onto the global stage. They inspire the next generation, proving that with dedication and passion, nothing is out of reach.Today, they play with a global team which pushes the message of "REJECT YOUR LIMITS!"
今天,不僅是REJECT/REJECT AD,還有我們所有為此次起航盡力的人們,迎來了最引以為傲的時刻之一。
我從小就知道The Birds—AngryBird和Big Bird—。他們經常來我家,和我的弟弟一起玩游戲。他們埋頭熱衷於他們喜愛的世界中。目睹他們成為全球最好的電競職業選手的過程,是我一生中最為精彩的體驗之一。
今天,他們身負了新的榮耀——我們的口號「REJECT YOUR LIMITS!」,發誓將作為世界隊伍的一員展現他們優秀的才華。
👉Comments from both players.https://t.co/jXTtEJJIH7— REJECT (@RC_REJECT) January 30, 2025
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