NVIDIA 在推出 GeForce RTX 5090、5080 之後,就發生在某些情況下顯卡無法正常使用的災情,而在經過約一個月的時間後,NVIDIA 推出新的 572.65 驅動更新,但遺憾修正的是某些 DisplayPort 的異常,根本的問題似乎還是沒被找到。
NVIDIA 新的 572.65 的更新檔敘述非常的簡短,只提及根據 572.60 存在於對 DisplayPort 的異常進行修正。
然而根據部分網友的回應,此驅動版本沒有修正其他已知的功能上問題,像是開啟 Multi Frame Generation 多幀數生成時,在 3 倍、4 倍的選項下,遊戲依然會出現崩潰、黑畫面等問題。
Using the latest Nvidia driver 572.60 causes every game that supports multi frame generation to black screen crash and restart my PC on the RTX 5080 when MFG 3x or 4x is used. Either at game startup or when exiting the game. The latest 572.65 hotfix driver also exhibits the same…
— Mostly Positive Reviews (@mpr_reviews) March 2, 2025
It happened to me today playing Death Stranding on my 5080 with DLSS and frame gen turned off, it was weird. It didn't happen in any driver and I thought it could be an overheating, but I was monitoring the temps and both CPU and GPU was below 65. Gonna rollback the driver.
— Timebringer |: 🎮Expedition 33 waiting room (@Timebringer) March 2, 2025
由於目前新的驅動剛推出,相關的回報數量還比較有限,因此還無法肯定是驅動發生逆優化,有用戶猜測可能是驅動與 DSC 視訊壓縮存在衝突,導致就算是 RTX 4090 在高 FPS 的情況下無法正常顯示畫面,這部分若屬實,可以暫時透過限制螢幕的最高更新率外加開啟遊戲垂直同步來解決。
Does your monitor have a DSC toggle? I had the same issue with frame gen 2x on my 4090 on the latest drivers. Disabling DSC “fixes” it. But obviously defeats the purpose since it lowers the max monitor Hz too.
— Comanso (@C0manso) March 2, 2025
(Video pans over to my PC cycling post codes because it restarted) pic.twitter.com/3TUxzOjN9R
先前 GeForce RTX 5090、5080 原有且唯一的驅動版本為 572.60,存在包含使用 PCIe 5.0 通道可能導致硬體無法辨識而變磚、多幀數生成出現畫面閃爍或是遊戲故障等原因,NVIDIA 稱已經在對其中變磚的問題進行調查,而從本次的更新來看,暫時還是處於無法解決的狀態。