索尼互動娛樂將舉辦一場可以試玩PlayStation5遊戲的活動,該活動將於2025年3月15日(六)在大阪市中央區的難波 CITY 舉辦。
PlayStation5試玩活動在難波 CITY舉行!

可試玩PlayStation5遊戲的活動將於2025年3月15日(六),在大阪市中央區的難波 CITY 舉辦。
活動地點為與難波站直通的Namba CITY Galleria Court!
- 宇宙機器人
- 跑車浪漫旅7
- My First Gran Turismo
- 魔物獵人 荒野
請注意,「跑車浪漫旅」將在PlayStation5 Pro上進行試玩。

試玩遊戲的人將獲得PlayStation 30週年特製撲克牌,而參觀者則可獲贈PlayStation原廠壓克力鑰匙圈與PlayStation 30週年紀念特別貼紙!

PlayStation Presents PLAY! PLAY! PLAY! PlayStation 5 大阪試玩活動 概要 | |
日期 | 2025年3月15日(六)11:00~19:00 |
會場 | 難波CITY本館B1F Galleria Court |
「PLAY! PLAY! PLAY!」PlayStation®5 試遊イベントを3月15日(土)に大阪・なんばCITYで開催! 試遊した方や来場した方に特製トランプやアクリルキーホルダーなど限定ノベルティをプレゼント!
詳しくはこちら⇒ https://t.co/r4TmN0e8Ea#play3 pic.twitter.com/w6H5RW9e1X
— プレイステーション公式 (@PlayStation_jp) March 3, 2025
©2025 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Developed by Team Asobi. Astro Bot is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.
©2025 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Developed by Polyphony Digital Inc. “Gran Turismo” logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Manufacturers, cars, names, brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. Any depiction or recreation of real-world locations, entities, businesses, or organizations is not intended to be or imply any sponsorship or endorsement of this game by such party or parties. All rights reserved.
Gran Turismo and GT logo are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. and related companies in the U.S. and other countries. Manufacturers, cars, names, brands, and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Any depiction or recreation of real-world locations, entities, businesses, or organizations is not intended to be or imply any sponsorship or endorsement of this game by such party or parties.