《Fall Guys:終極淘汰賽》日前發起一場慈善拍賣,官方將為出價最高的品牌量身打造「糖豆人」專屬套裝,各大品牌經過兩周的相繼競標後,拍賣於昨晚正式落幕,最終由名實況主Ninja、MrBeast攜手G2 Esports、Aim Lab所組成的團隊在最後一分鐘喊價來到100萬美元,超過知名YouTube遊戲頻道FGTeeV的51萬美元,成功奪標!所有善款都將捐給致力於改善殘疾玩家生活的慈善機構Special Effect。
THE WINNERS ARE:@G2esports @Ninja @AimLab @MrBeastYT
With a combined donation of $1,000,000 for @SpecialEffect
Probably the spiciest team up since The Avengers??????https://t.co/Q2G3h9UyDh
— Fall Guys
(@FallGuysGame) August 31, 2020
Raising $1 million for @SpecialEffect will have such an INCREDIBLE impact!
We’ll now sort out the donations while our artists start to collab with the winners on their skins!
YES! We will include 4 costumes as a special thank you to the amazing people that made this possible
— Fall Guys
(@FallGuysGame) August 31, 2020
經過兩周的漫天競標後,就在競標截止日前兩天前,領跑者為名實況主Ninja、MrBeast雙人組的50萬美元,此刻知名YouTube遊戲頻道FGTeeV喊價來到51萬。隨著競標時間進入尾聲,大家都以為情勢已定,G2 Esports、Aim Lab與Ninja、MrBeast等兩位實況主組成了最強團隊,在最後一分鐘喊出「一百萬」!最終成為本次慈善拍賣的最高出價者。
Ha. Well… 4 vs. 1!! I can’t beat that but the most important thing here is a whole lot of deserving people with special needs are about to have a ton of smiles of their face!! Congrats on @Ninja @MrBeastYT … whenever you want to level the playing field and 1v1 … LMK haha https://t.co/C0tPYTwZWa
— FGTEEV (@FGteev) August 31, 2020
Special Effect也於慈善活動落幕後於推特特別感謝Ninja、MrBeast、G2 Esports、Aim Lab團隊以及Fall Guys官方對他們所屬機構的慈善挹注,這筆善款將能讓那些殘疾玩家們持續朝實現遊玩遊戲之夢邁進。
Unbelievable! THANK YOU to the winners @aimlab, @G2esports, @MrBeastYT, @Ninja & everyone who bid, and to @FallGuysGame for making it all possible. Your generosity will enable us to continue making gaming dreams come true for people with physical disabilities around the world!
https://t.co/cBKDIBwN4p pic.twitter.com/HD16H07BML
— SpecialEffect (@SpecialEffect) August 31, 2020
The post 《Fall Guys》一百萬美元!Ninja、MrBeast、G2、AimLab團隊贏得慈善拍賣 first appeared on NOW電玩.